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Beautiful shooting of how Brazilian Natives lives in Brazil

About Us

Nature’s Pitch pioneers microfinance options, seed funding, new philanthropic pathways, and skills development opportunities for African-led grassroots green and blue enterprises and innovations to accelerate growth and foster women and youth leadership in natural resource protection.

Our focus:

African-led nature entrepreneurship

African women in STEMM

Gender-responsive and youth-inclusive green and blue transformation

Our guiding purpose is protecting Africa’s natural capital through strategic investments in emerging small-scale, grassroots ventures that sustainably utilise and preserve natural resources. We aim to do this by identifying and removing barriers for underrepresented voices of women and youth, leading to long-lasting and transformative change within communities and society at grassroots level, driven by STEMM.

Our Team

Beatrice Karanja

Beatrice Karanja

Founder, Director

Moses Kamau

Moses Kamau


Dr. Irene Amoke

Dr. Irene Amoke


Natasha Gatungo

Natasha Gatungo

Programs Manager